
Mined Time136 days 21 hours ago
In Block0xd881b34ea3693a269b6638cd14adb3ee8ff540f0d29a6e9cf3e190759b77c85a
In Block Height19171629
Value0 ETH
Gas Used / Limit313784 / 484965
Gas Price0.000000037731879595 ETH (37.731879595 Gwei)
Fees0.01183966010683748 ETH
ERC1155 Token Transfers
6 of ID 0, 10 of ID 3, 8 of ID 4, 13 of ID 2, 8 of ID 1, 10 of ID 5, 10 of ID 8, 8 of ID 9, 8 of ID 7, 9 of ID 6
Raw Transaction