
Mined Time219 days 19 hours ago
In Block0x432257b1a7b4d9a1abb62e23afb9922f6fceb90763569cc4ce1b662718bdc1e5
In Block Height18453869
Value0 ETH
Gas Used / Limit281982 / 356069
Gas Price0.000000008385369061 ETH (8.385369061 Gwei)
Fees0.002364523138558902 ETH
ERC1155 Token Transfers
0 RSRC of ID 1, 70000000 RSRC of ID 3, 45000000 RSRC of ID 4, 270000000 RSRC of ID 6, 72000000 RSRC of ID 9
0 RSRC of ID 1, 70000000 RSRC of ID 3, 45000000 RSRC of ID 4, 270000000 RSRC of ID 6, 72000000 RSRC of ID 9
Raw Transaction