
Mined Time498 days 5 hours ago
In Block0x93df56c433b6984f808ab30872327c91ea216e39034f1ff19aae764137726bcb
In Block Height16475775
Value0 ETH
Gas Used / Limit140934 / 140934
Gas Price0.000000015882211599 ETH (15.882211599 Gwei)
Fees0.002238343609493466 ETH
ERC1155 Token Transfers
2878960 RSRC of ID 1, 12517557 RSRC of ID 3, 2544485 RSRC of ID 5, 30281861 RSRC of ID 6, 34674779 RSRC of ID 7, 12335688 RSRC of ID 9
Raw Transaction