
Mined Time570 days 17 hours ago
In Block0x5a0be13e01d71028e9b701f927173cc353e7e674c5dd3078fd8f519c21324eb1
In Block Height15956138
Value0 ETH
Gas Used / Limit140920 / 140920
Gas Price0.000000012418126957 ETH (12.418126957 Gwei)
Fees0.00174996245078044 ETH
ERC1155 Token Transfers
2489122 RSRC of ID 1, 11194699 RSRC of ID 3, 2539379 RSRC of ID 5, 19711410 RSRC of ID 6, 29146494 RSRC of ID 7, 10838253 RSRC of ID 9
Raw Transaction