

0.000121845478104 ETH

Balance0.000121845478104 ETH
Non-contract Transactions26
Internal Transactions0
BitcoinEthereumTetherBNBXRPUSDCDogecoinCardanoSolanaTronMaticLitecoinPolkadotShibaInuDaiBitcoinCashWrappedBitcoinAvaxTonLinkStellarLEOUNITUSDAtomMoneroOKBEthereumClassicHederaInternetComputerFilecoinMantleLidoDaoAptosArbitrumCronosVechainNEARQuantOptismMakerTheGraphAaveXDCNetworkAlgorandTheSandboxAxieInfinityMultuversXStacksTezosUSDDThetaNetworkBitcoinSVManaSynthetixInjectiveApeCoinFantomNeiRendereCashFlowKavaChilizKucoinTokenGalaCurveDaoTOkenPaxDollarRocketPoolKlaytnZcashPaxGoldIOTATetherGoldFraxShareTerraClassicCasperGMXPepe0.69156363 CRYPTO3
EggplantHasbullaKirbyDorkLordAk470.033544693 HPOSI3
Hello, I am an honest dev with honest problems. My life is caught in a spiral of misery, running in a hamster wheel of seeking dopamine in any form. Instead of resorting to smoking crack, which would ultimately shorten the pain of life, I started by trading futures and then ventured into the shitcoin market. Everything went smoothly; I made several hundred thousand dollars and was driven by the frenzy of the bull market. Now I have a gambling problem, or an addiction? Is it an addiction? No. It's a battle of life that I impose on myself and probability theory. I will catch myself 100,000 X, be sure of that. I'm cut out for the job. I'll launch a coin and free myself from the clutches of my suicidal thoughts. I just want positively charged dopamine, not the kind that comes from losing money while getting excited about it and squandering my mother's pension. But how can I manage to pump up this coin to nine or ten figures and make everyone rich in the process? I implore you, buy this coin and work hard, support the dev with love, otherwise he'll strangle himself wearing a Batman costume while pleasuring himself. So please buy this coin; it's important for the dev's well-being. The dev is working hard, give him a break and boost him up. HarryPotterObamaSonicPepeMilady, and now Dev Inu. Wow. We're all gonna make it. 1,000,000x. Soon to be rich at last. Then I'll leave behind my gambling life, raise children, and marry the woman who's been waiting for me for 5 years. This coin will make it. My blood, sweat, and tears. My DREAMS.0.13068652 DREAMS3
Sheepa Inu0.000000001 SHEEP2
This Is Fucking Fine1926219.158189431 $TFF2
X-Trend Bot0 $XTB2
ᗪOᖇK ᒪOᖇᗪ 2.00.806646737 DORKL 2.03


0.07642428 ETH